Megan Embassy, Jalan Ampang 55000

9 Furniture Moving Tips You Should Know

If you want to move to a new house, help a friend move to a new house, or just want to get stuff out of your house–you need the right furniture moving tips. 

1.     Get a measuring tape

Did you ever think about how you could fit your king-sized bed back into your room when you purchased it? Especially if you’re looking at how small the door is? These are important furniture moving tips to think about! So the safest thing to do is to take a measurement, it will give you peace of mind before you start lifting and when you need to carry it back out.

2.     Make a plan

It is best to prepare ahead to see if it is easier at some points in your house to hold them horizontally or vertically. Again, taking measurements of everything helps you to move your furniture with a lot of ease and you will be able to do it successfully.

3.     Safety is first priority

Make sure to bend your legs and squat before lifting, especially when you are moving heavy and large objects. Bending down when your legs are straight is the wrong way to do it. This will place the lifting burden entirely on your back, which will ultimately lead to a severe backache that will last for several days.

4.     Wrap things up

This goes without saying, really. But if it needs to be said, when you decide to move things to your new house, you can cover your closets, closets, wardrobes, sofas, and tables with shrink or saran wrap.

5.     Disassembling

Divide things into smaller parts as it will help you to move things with ease. Most of the furniture is easy to disassemble and assemble easily, so keep in mind to do this.

When you’re moving house, remember to always have a toolbox on hand! Screwdrivers and boxes especially are going to come in handy; when you need to disassemble tables and chairs. Fold them up, place them in a box–and this will give you more space to place additional items in your moving lorry. 

6.     Use of lifting straps

Lifting straps reduce the pressure of lifting heavy and cumbersomely shaped objects. Get some lifting straps before starting to move your furniture.

Proper lifting straps can be grabbed at equipment stores, handyman and furniture shops around you! Need a hand getting them to you? Book a Bungkusit Roadie to transit lifting straps, and additional moving equipment to your location. Make sure you get the ones with the highest quality, and ensure that they’re all equipped to handle heavy loads of weight. 

7.     Create a checklist

One of the best furniture moving tips of all time is actually getting a checklist ready. Before the event of a big move, make a short detour around your house and write down the heaviest most strength-intense furniture that needs moving (pianos, sofas, etc). That goes to the top of the list, followed by smaller items (lamps, drawers).

8.     Drag your furniture instead of lifting it 

If you are moving house all by yourself, this is a furniture moving tip that would be beneficial. Invest in a good tool like sliders to place under heavy furniture, to make the process of moving homes much faster. This way, you can drag them out of the door instead of carrying them! 

If you don’t have plastic sliders, place your furniture on a blanket or flat cardboard to move them. 

9.  Get some help from the Bungkusit experts

Sometimes, the best furniture moving tips are the ones where you least expect. When moving house or locations, you might need emergency supplies to help the transition easier. This could include requesting a certified Bungkusit Roadie to help you get extra duct tape, extra moving bags, boxes, and plenty more! All of this will be done for you, so you never have to leave the house. 

There are definitely going to be times when you’re too busy with moving furniture. And when that happens, you can rely on our Bungkusit roadie to even pick up food for you when you need it. 

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